Monday, August 8, 2011

The Road Back Home: Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today I got up and said good-bye to Tracy.  I loaded up the car and started the drive home.  I had originally planned to visit friends and family further South on the East coast but I wanted to make it back to Dayton by Friday evening for the first day (out of two) of my 10 year high school reunion. 

So what's my big concern today?  Oh, that's right.  Not having a back window for a 9 and a half hour drive back to Ohio.  The weather forecast showed the Northern 80% of Pennsylvania was going to get rain.  Great.  I figured that if it started to rain I had three real options.
1. Drive faster and hope the rain would just shoot off the car.
2. Find a gas station with an awning and wait it out.
3. Use the GPS to find a Lowes or Home Depot and buy some plexiglass to cover the hole.

At a gas station in Jersey a guy came up and complimented the car.  He noticed the back window and I explained what happened.  I told him I was just going to wing the next 9 hours in the car.  His first comment was how fast do you think you need to drive to have the rain stream off the car.  That's a vote for option 1 above!

To save anymore suspense... I lucked out.  At one point I almost had to put on my windshield wipers.  And then that was it.  For once I didn't want it to look overcast when I was driving.  I wanted it to get sunny.  I got what I wanted for the last half of the drive.  With the sun, though, came the heat.  I had the air on full blast but it was still warm due to the huge hole at the back of my car. 

So I am back in Dayton.  The traveling part of this epic time off has come to an end.  I will attend my class reunion and make some notes on the number of states visited, a list of family and friends I have seen, total miles, etc. soon. 

Mileage: Starting 81,508 & Ending 82,092= 584
States Visited: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio

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