Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday In San Diego: June 26, 2011

Today was a nice, relaxing day.  I slept in some and had a late breakfast.  Then Sorna and I hit the beach and went snorkeling for Tiger Sharks.  The water was a little cold (around 64 degrees).  I saw a fish but it wasn't a Tiger Shark.  The water was very choppy so visibility wasn't that good.  We walked the beach and the city a little and then went to a veteran's memorial site on the top of the city.  You could see everything!

We were both a little hungry and Sorna confessed he likes Cold Stone so we got some ice cream!  We got back to his place and ordered a pizza and watch Terminator Salvation with his roommates.  Good times!

Mileage: None on the Cobra!
Stayed at Sorna's

Sorna at the memorial site:

Me at the site:

Me, again:


  1. tell Sorna that I said hi, that I miss his hot body

  2. this hot body misses your hot body... wait!!! no don't wait, i totally meant that
