Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sea World: Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today I worked on this blog for a few hours.  I finally figured out how to upload pics and videos.

Suzy and Anna (two of Sorna's roommates) offered to take me to Sea World because they had season passes.  It's been a good 15 years or so (I think...) since I have been to Sea World so we went!  I was going to use Edwin's pass to get in for free.  When we got to the front of the line, though, we realized that they are electronically finger-printing people and tying that print with the pass (so people can't do exactly what we were trying to do)!  Sooo, I got in line to buy a pass.  Luckily, someone else had purchased an extra one-day pass and sold it to me at half price.

I got to see seals, penguins, polar bears, a walrus, and killer whales.  Cool!  We went out to a Hawaiian place for dinner.

Mileage: None
Stayed at Sorna's


Polar bear:

And the big polar bear:


Walrus (I think):

Sea lion.  These animals were pretty cool.  They look so friendly here... not the way that Disney's Happy Feet made them look:
