Friday, July 1, 2011

The Price is Right: Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today I took part in a live taping of The Price is Right!  It was fun.  I arrived at CBS in Hollywood around 10:30.  There was already a line and the ticket said get there at noon.  Around 11:30 they started to collect tickets.  We were filed into several rows of benches (under awnings) and they wrote out our names on the special Price is Right name tags.  We could also buy goodies like shirts and sandwiches.  Next, fun pictures were taken that we could pay for later if we wanted them.  After that, we had to sign waivers and get another picture taken that would be given to the producers.  We were interviewed in groups of 12 by one of the producers and then sent through security.

We were not allowed to bring in any cameras or cell phones.  It felt like it was 10 years ago with not having a cell phone at my side.  I couldn't get any cool pics of Drew or the studio but I got to know several groups of people by the end.  Anyway, once we were through security we watched an old taping of the show and then a blooper reel.  Finally, around 4:30 (6 hours after I arrived) we were brought into the studio.  We met the show's announcer and several staff members.  The studio was smaller than I expected.  There were around 300 people in the audience.  9 were chosen.  I wasn't one of them.  But, I am on TV!  A person three seats away was chosen but didn't win a thing.  The show airs October 18.

Seating was interesting.  When you walk in they ask how many in your party.  I paused and held up my index finger and  They told me to stand to the side (so they could stick me in where they needed me).  I was watching them fill the front rows and was getting worried they were going to put me in the back row or something so I went to the guy and said, "hey, you're gonna take care of me right?" He nodded and then eventually put me in the third row.  Then that person three seats away was chosen.

A few games later, someone in the front row was chosen.  During the next break, the 'seat guy' came to me and said grab your stuff.  I had no idea what was going on but he remembered that I was a party of one.  We walked to the back of the audience and then down the next row ad then he used me to fill the gap.  Drew saw me moving and asked the guy why he was moving Jonathan to the front (remember, I had my name tag on).  The guy said he was just filling the gap.  So then Drew started talking to me.  He asked what I do and where I live.  I told him I just graduated from grad school and that I live in Ohio.  Cool! 

We didn't meet Drew Carey until the show actually started.  That's why the audience goes nuts when he comes out.  During each commercial break he would talk to us and joke around.   The show itself went bad until the end.  The last of the 6 contestants finally won a game.  It was a kid and that last contestant that went to the Showcase Showdown.  The kid bid $24,000 for his showcase and the price was $24,040.  He won it all!!! His total winnings for the day were just over $67,000.  His big winnings were a trip to Russia, $5,000 cash, a Ferrari rental for a day in Monte Carlo, and a power boat.

All in all, it was a blast.  I would highly recommend it!

My name on the famous Price Is Right name tag:

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