Monday, July 25, 2011

Cousin Barb in Sodas Point: Thursday, July 21, 2011

My original plan when leaving Beth's in Ann Arbor was to cut through Canada to get to my Cousin Barb's place in Sodas Point, New York.  I had grabbed my passport when I first left Dayton and had only taken it out of my pad-folio to bring it to The Price is Right. (The Price is Right wanted everyone to have proof of their social security number in hand.  I thought my passport had my social on it.  It didn't.)  Apparently, when I packed up my stuff in San Diego I didn't put my passport back where it belonged and I wound up leaving it at my parent's house.  I drove through the states to get to New York.

The drive went well and I made it to Barb's for dinner.  I got to meet Bill, Barb's boyfriend.  We all went out to dinner to try to beat the heat because Barb doesn't have A/C.  The restaurant was struggling to keep cool.  I was able to see Anna, Barb's daughter, for a little while.  This was nice as Thursday isn't a day that Barb has Anna.

When we got back to Barbs place the temp inside was 88.  I set up my air mattress on the floor of her family room and had 3 fans blowing on me.  It actually went better than I thought it would.

Mileage: Starting 80,602 & Ending 81,072= 470 miles
Stayed at Barbs (Sodas Point, New York)
States Visited: Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York

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