Monday, July 4, 2011

Northern Bound: Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today was another somewhat lazy day.  Poor Sorna had to go in and work.  On a Sunday in the middle of a holiday weekend.  For 6 hours.  He said goodbye to me at 8 AM and then hello when he got back in the afternoon!  I finally got packed up after doing some laundry. Sorna asked if I liked smoothies and we made a Jamba Juice run.  From there, it was time to hit the road.

I didn't get very far.  But it is good to have the car all packed up and be under way again.  While I was driving, I received a call from Sorna.  He had placed a picture on Facebook of the two of us at the beach.  Let's just say he might be more tan than me.  He said it was up for maybe 5 minutes and someone posted a comment.  It was something to the effect of I hope John was wearing SPF 1000 sunscreen.  The picture is below.

Also, I got to see a BMW wreck out a little bit.  It was in LA traffic.  There were probably 5 lanes of traffic and I was around the middle lane.  The traffic in the slow lane came to a sudden stop and this BMW missed it.  I saw brake lights and a violent turn for the shoulder as she tried to avoid the car in front of her.  I think she was successful in avoiding the car but there was one problem.  This happened under an overpass where there was a nice concrete wall to meet the passenger side of the Bimmer.  Ouch!!  Now who noticed that I assumed the driver of the Bimmer was a woman... feel free to post a comment below.

I have gone through and added a lot of pics and videos for the Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, and arriving in San Diego.  I will add more pics of San Diego soon.

My mileage reading was 74,895 when I pulled into Sorna's place last Saturday.  When I left, it was at 75,525.  During the week, I did manage to put 630 miles on the car.  

Mileage: Starting 75,525 & Ending 75,717 = 192 miles
Stayed in Thousand Oaks, CA
States Visited: California

Sorna and I at the beach...

Just me at the beach looking better with Sorna NOT next to me

The Juarez family and their adopted white family member

The Juarez family and their taller adopted white family member

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