Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time for Tommy and Tracy: Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today started off with some toast.  And then some more toast.  Four slices in all.  I got showered up and it was probably a waste of time because I started sweating immediately.  I said my goodbyes and Nancy warned me that if I put any pictures of her on the blog that she would post a picture of me as a child... running around her pool naked.  First of all, why did people allow me to run around naked and second of all, who thought to grab the camera?  I would have taken a chance and posted some pics but I can't.  More on that tomorrow...

Next I made my way to Jersey.  I arrived in time for dinner and had a blast with Tommy and Tracy.  We went out to a small Italian restaurant and then got some ice cream.  We stayed up for a while and caught up.  Then Tracy had to go to bed because she works on Sunday. 

Mileage: Starting 81,163 & Ending 81,473= 310 miles
Stayed at Tommy & Tracy's (North Plainfield, New Jersey)
States Visited: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey

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