Friday, July 15, 2011

Weight Lifting in Wisconsin: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today was a fun day with Cody and Anna.  For breakfast, Cody taught me a new way to make eggs in the micro.  He scrambles them in a ceramic bowl and then puts the whole thing in the micro.  They cook up and then the clean-up is much easier than scrubbing a pan.  It also only takes about 2 minutes to cook.  The odds of me eating eggs has increased 10 fold. 

By looking at a picture of Cody (or by reading the title to this blog entry), you can guess what we did for fun when Cody was done working.  We went to the gym!  I grabbed my 30 lb weights for some exercise and he grabbed 70 lbs.  I felt like I was working out with Mike Mossop again.  Anna is a huge gym person as well.  She did some weight training and then hit up the aerobic machines.  After the gym, we cleaned up and headed out for dinner.

Dinner was in downtown Milwaukee.  It is only about 15 minutes from their place.  The first place we tried to go was the Safe House.  It has a cool theme.  It is set up like you are a spy (think James Bond).  The front door is off of an alley.  You walk in and they ask you if you know the secret password.  If you don't, they make you do something stupid.  We had to do the chicken dance.  The door to get to the actual restaurant is behind a moving bookcase.  You walk down a flight of stairs and eventually a sliding door opens and you enter the bar.  At the bar are several TV screens showing everyone sitting down at the bar what the people above are doing (from a stupid trick standpoint) to gain entry.  When you are up above, you don't know you are on a live feed below.  The problem with the Safe House is they stop serving food from 9-10.  We got there at 9:10.  We found out later they stop because they need to clear any minors out of the restaurant. 

We left there and found another nice restaurant that was still serving food.  We ate and hung out and then went back to their place because Cody had another early start on Thursday. 

Mileage: Starting 79,287 & Ending 79,334= 47
Stayed at Cody's
States Visited: Wisconsin

Cody working from home.  They were actually supposed to be back in Dayton visiting family but, as you can see, Cody broke his leg in three places.  He jumped off a dock chasing a football and didn't know how deep the water was and it was only 3 feet deep.  Bummer!

The City of Milwaukee at night:

The place we ate dinner:

Cody showing off the 'guns':

Cody and Anna:

Me showing Cody what 'guns' really look like:

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