Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mt. Rushmore at Night: Sunday, July 10, 2011

The drive today was good.  I was warned the night before that one of the roads heading east had recently been closed down due to a rock slide.  I wound up taking a more scenic (and longer) route because of that info.  I crossed some more mountains and the views were great!  Wyoming is a cool state.
On my way to Mt. Rushmore, I stopped to visit Crazy Horse.  I hadn’t heard of this until this trip.  This takes Mt. Rushmore to a new level.  The idea is to carve a monument out of an entire mountain.  Honestly, I wasn’t very impressed.  They still have a long way to go and they have been working on it for decades.  When it is done it will be something else, though!

Mt. Rushmore is only about 10 miles away from Crazy Horse.  I figured I would check out the monument and then look for a place to stay that night.  On my way to the monument, I found a campground.  It was like 2 miles away from Rushmore.  So I stopped there and set up my tent and air mattress and paid my $23 fee.  Then I went to Mt. Rushmore for the evening show.  The guys the night before (with the Audi and Porsche) told me that they had a night show and it was worth attending.  I got there right as the show was starting.  It was a neat show!  They discuss each of the presidents and the builder of Mt. Rushmore.  They also have a ceremony every night to retire the US flag for the evening.  They asked all current and retired members of the armed forces to come down to the stage.  Then they had a Boy Scout troop come and actually lower the flag.  

After the show I went to the town of Keystone, had dinner, and charged my cell and camcorder at the restaurant.  By the time I got back to the camp it was lights out.
Mileage: Starting 77,854 & Ending 78,282= 428 miles
Stayed at the campground near Mt. Rushmore (Keystone, South Dakota)
States Visited: Wyoming, South Dakota
The little cabin from the night before:

Snow covered mountain in the Bighorn National Forest.  This was at roughly 9,000 feet and, when first looking around, I thought I was looking at sand.  It was actually snow.  I was tricked because the Cobra was getting warm again.  It was maybe 65 degrees outside:

I went through Dayton, Wyoming:

A campsite probably run by a man.  I didn't stay there:

A few shots of Crazy Horse:
The end goal:

Sometimes I wonder if the GPS is just messing with me.  You know when it is guessing where it is when it gives you a road name like this:

An evening shot of the campground where I stayed at Rushmore:
The faces were slowly illuminated during the evening show:

All the veterans and current members of the armed forces in attendance:

At Mt. Rushmore they have all state flags displayed:

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