Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yellowstone: Saturday, July 9, 2011

Today I saw Yellowstone.  The weather was great.  I actually got a little sun because I didn't put any sunblock on.  I was only in the sun for like 45 minutes but that was enough.  By the time I am done with this trip my left arm is going to be super tan because the sun gets it while I am driving (and by super tan I mean by my standards, not like people that can actually tan). 

The park cost $25 to get in.  I believe that makes it the most expensive of the three parks I have visited.  There were really just two neat things about this park, at least in my opinion.  The first thing was the geysers.  They were neat and alarming at the same time.  It really makes you think about what is happening under our feet and it reminds you that the Earth is constantly changing.  The geysers were pretty active today.  The liquid that comes out of them is boiling and they smell like sulfur (rotten eggs).  I waited for 45 minutes to see Old Faithful go.  It used to go every 60 minutes but now it is closer to 90 minutes.  They said it is because of an earthquake that happened several years ago.  That's a little scary! 

The other neat thing was the wildlife.  To be honest, I don't know exactly what I saw.  I have pics below.  Here's my best guess: Elk (or a deer with a huge rack), bison (someone said they were buffalo, though), a coyote (or a wolf), and a grizzly bear.

The scenery in the park wasn't overly impressive.  Yosemite was much better!  The drive east was pretty cool, though.  State Highway 296 had a lot of mountain action and some amazing views. 

I am staying in Cody, Wyoming tonight.  Two interesting stories since I got here...
1. This city is expensive and all the rooms were booked!  The Comfort Inn was $169 a night and full.  The Holiday Inn was $159 and had a few smoking rooms left.  Even the one-offs are pricy.  Buffalo Bill's Antlers Inn was around $100.  The woman at the Comfort Inn told me that she could get me a small cabin for a lot less money.  Since it wasn't officially part of the Comfort Inn she couldn't give me the price but said I should just come to the front desk and she could help me out. 

I wound up renting it and here is the story behind it.  The same family owns the Comfort Inn and Holiday Inn.  These hotels are right next door to each other.  Out back, they built 83 small cabins.  They are about the size of a hotel room.  They charge a little less than $100 a night and fill them once the hotels are booked (or if people want a cheaper rate).  The more interesting thing is their work force.  When I got to the lobby the woman yells for some older man.  He explains they have these cabins and we walk out to a golf cart so he can show it to me.  Once I see it and we are driving back, I asked how long he has been here.  He said he is retired and just does this seasonally.  This is his fourth season here.  He lives in an RV on the premises.  He provides the RV and the owners of this complex let him park it for free (and provide electric, water, etc.).  Him and his wife are 2 of the 40 retired workers that get paid minimum wage to work here during the summer.  They all live in RVs and travel the country during the off season.  What an interesting business model!

2. When we were approaching my cabin, we drove by a Porsche 911 convertible and an Audi A4 convertible.  When I was booking my room, I watched both cars leave.  When I was unpacking my car, they returned.  I walked over and complemented their nice wheels.  Turns out they are friends from Texas out having some fun on the road.  We got to exchanging info on fun roads and discussing attractions.  They just came from Mt. Rushmore and are heading to Yellowstone.  I am doing the opposite.  It came out that I finished grad school and I asked them for any career advice.  After all, they must have done something right!  They said to go into business for myself (like them) so I can take time off to go on road trips.  They offered me a place to stay if I am in the Irving, Texas area.   

Mileage: Starting 77,543 & Ending 77,854 = 311
Stayed In: Cody, Wyoming
States Visited: Montana, Wyoming

Old Faithful.  And in case there was any trouble, I made sure I stood next to the big bouncer-looking dude:

A short video of the bear.  I was actually trying to hit the photo button but messed up:

Coyote ( I think).  I almost hit him.  And then I got my camcorder and stalked him down like on Animal Planet:

Cool shot leaving this morning as I made my way to Yellowstone:

Look at these crazy octane ratings!:

This sign says it all... we're not messing around:

Here is a boiling geyser with some crazy red bacteria:

Two active geysers:

Me getting some sun:

I think something happened in Yellowstone that took out a lot of trees.  It seemed bare in too many spots.  Maybe a wildfire or something...:

The amount of people 45 minutes before Old Faithful went off:

Old Faithful going off (within one minute of its predicted time):

The amount of people at blast off (at $25 a car-load):

A lake with mountains in the background:

An elk (or deer?):


And one really close to the road:

The backside of a bear (he was just a little guy):

A really neat pic of the mountains:


  1. Nice pictures! I would love to go back to Yellowstone. Having giant bison right next to your car makes it worth it in itself.

  2. Thanks man. Yeah, the wildlife was pretty pro.
