Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Dangers of a Late Night: Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I got up on the later side and, just like yesterday, talked with Tracy before she left for work.  I got a funny email from Tommy and asked him how it went getting three hours of sleep.  He wrote back that he overslept.  Instead of getting up at 6:00 he got up at 8:30!  He just didn't hear his alarm go off.  When he got to work, he wasn't feeling too hot, either.  Poor guy! 

When Tracy was leaving for work she mentioned that I should let my three newest friends out back if I leave (these friends being the dogs: Mr. Marbles, Lola, and Opal).  I let them out and when I brought them back in, Opal walked over by the couch and yacked.  It was horrible.  She eats stuff out in the yard...  Anyway, when I was walking to the kitchen to get paper towels and the garbage can I found another puddle of yack from one of the cats.  Come on now!  This is ridiculous.  I got it all cleaned up and then the dogs went into their cages for a little while.

Tommy arrived in time for dinner and we went to a nearby sub shop.  The food was good and then we just hung out.  Tommy was ready for a slower night after the previous one.  Later on in the evening one of Tommy's friends came over and we watched a few hours of "Deadliest Catch".  Tommy went to bed and Tracy got home on the early side (around 2) and we were lights out shortly thereafter.

Mileage: None
Stayed at Tommy & Tracys

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