Saturday, July 9, 2011

Into Idaho: Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today was a good day on the road.  I noticed leaving the hotel this morning that I have loading and unloading the car down to a science. 

 Before I set out, I wanted to check the oil after yesterday’s driving.  I had to add a quart.  I had checked the oil when I left San Diego and I had to add half a quart.  Not too bad so far.  At the auto parts store, I asked some guys inside how bad the cops are in the area.  They said there are actually a lot of them from a per-capita standpoint.  I drove close to the speed limit on the way out.

Idaho is another state that is more scenic than I would have imagined.  I got into the Clearwater National Forest and found a campsite right at dusk.  If I would have been 15 minutes later I would have been setting the tent up in the dark.  Around 11 PM I noticed lightning in the distance.  It poured but it didn't last very long. 
Mileage: Starting 76,850 & Ending 77,208 = 358
Stayed at a campsite in Lowell, Idaho (cost= $10). When I asked the woman behind the desk where I was .....she said Lowell.  Then she said mile post 97 on Highway 12.  Wow.  When you have to give the mile post are really out there!
States Visited: Oregon, Idaho


This just amused me.  There are real.  Hunting = not messing around out here:

I took this at a gas station.  And yes, I drove by the other side of the truck and there were 4 more heads sticking out over there.  Joey, is this stuff normal in the hunting community?

Cool scenery (it was raining to the left):

These mountains are covered in pine trees.  This is a new development:

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