Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting Jerzed & New York City: Sunday, July 24, 2011

All of us got up around 10 and Tommy started on breakfast.  Tracy left for work and Tommy and I got cleaned up to head to New York City.  I told Tommy that we should take the Cobra so he could drive it.  The only other time he had driven it was when it was wet outside so he couldn't really drop the hammer.

I walked outside first and Tommy followed right behind.  I walked to the passenger side of the car and, as best I can remember, I set my camera on the top of the car and started to clear stuff out of the passenger side.  After I could sit down we started down the road.  As Tommy turned onto the next street, he gave the car some gas and we were off.  Less than 60 seconds later I started to look for my camera.  I couldn't find it on the ground or in the back seat.  Then it hit me... I might have left it on the roof!  I stuck half my body out the car window and didn't see it on the roof.  We immediately tuned around and went back to look for it.  We were back within 3 minutes or so and the camera was gone!  After tearing the car apart, searching the road, and searching his house, we declared the camera gone.  In the past we have always talked about Jersey being hardcore so I said my camera had been 'Jerzed'.  Someone must have seen it and picked it up.  It was amazing how fast it all went down.  Unbelievable.  The pictures of Aunt Nancy, Cousin Linda, Tommy and Tracy (from last night, etc.) hadn't been copied to the computer yet so I lost them!

Somewhat defeated...we caught a train to New York City.  It took less than an hour to get there.  We arrived at Madison Square Garden.  It was stupid hot in the city.  We walked by Times Square and the 2011 New Years ball.  We walked to Central Park and then took the subway to the Brooklyn Bridge and ground zero.  It felt like we had walked 30 miles.  We were done and made our way back to the subway and then the NJTransit train.

After some food Tommy went off to bed because he had to get up for work tomorrow.  I stayed up and watched some TV.  After some time, Tracy got home.  Actually it was about 2:30 AM when she walked in.  We talked about some of her crazy veterinarian stuff (she works Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday as a vet in an animal emergency clinic) and caught up some more and called it a night.

Mileage: Starting 81,473 & Ending 81,493= 20 miles
Stayed at Tommy & Tracy's
States Visited: New Jersey, New York

Times Square:

Rockefeller Center:

Brooklyn Bridge:

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